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Trattoria in Florence and in Italy, indicates a very popular place where the culinary tradition meets the familiar and welcoming home style. Trattoria in Florence is, like all Italian ones, a typical public place where you stop to dine alone or in company in a friendly and simple atmosphere.
The name Trattoria, seems to derive from the Italian trattore or tractor in English, which also means oste or “innkeeper” (from which Osteria or tavern) that comes to us from the French traiteur, whose specific meaning is “to treat, to prepare.”
The spread of the trattoria took place in France in the years preceding the French Revolution. In that period in fact, the inns that offered a wider variety of dishes multiplied. They usually had small tables, usually reserved for a fixed number of loyal customers.
At that time in Paris, these places began to become fashionable for those who needed to get healthy again. Their menus included exclusively soups, broths and little else, at a fixed price.
In 1782 Antoine Beauvillers, who was working for the Count of Provence (who later became king Louis XVIII), decided to open a similar establishment in Paris, feeling that it could be a successful idea. In reality it was more like a real restaurant than a simple trattoria. It is said that it had very refined and elegant rooms, fully dressed waiters, “superior” kitchen and cellar with a wide range of selected wines. But the thing that most distinguished him and allowed him to succeed for at least 15 years, was the fact that he dedicated himself to his guests with special care and attention.
The name Trattoria is affirmed in the common lexicon around 19th century, at the same time the word “restaurant” begins to circulate. The trattoria is a place of refreshment without accommodation. It acquires a popular connotation against the bourgeois and cosmopolitan restaurant. At the same time, it manages to be preferred with respect to the restaurant or the tavern, and it embodies good food and meals
At the end of the World War I, tavern becomes more sought after and the competition between the various places to eat goes to the advantage of one or the other in alternation over time.
In the 50s, a real boom in the culinary environment happened and many chefs, who were previously at the service of rich and noble families, ventured into their own activities and so taverns and restaurants began to proliferate everywhere..A great excitement therefore, in which the idea of catering evolved to give the public the answer to a varied and increasingly demanding request.
It was at the end of the 19th century that we could witness a new development in the art of eating well outside home. A new revolution that started from the imposing thrust that tourism had thanks to the evolution of means of transport and the passion for traveling. It then began to savor also the dishes of other places and indeed to prefer them in travels, just to emphasize a full exploration of other places and other cultures.
The Trattoria in Florence has historically become that place where you go to eat “a little something.” The local or regional cuisine characterises the trattoria today, and the homely welcome completes the smart connotation that makes the environment very requested and comfortable.
The trattoria is very widespread in Italy, it is a culinary art approaching with popular taste that passes by the people and it carries and preserves the specialties of the local cuisine.
The Florentine steak, for example, is a symbolic tradition of the cuisine of Florence, as well as the peasant soups and many other flavors that represent the Bel Paese in one of the most loved regions in the world: Tuscany.
Simple and genuine ingredients with quality in first place and maintain the characteristics of home-made dishes and territoriality. The restaurant also brings wines along with the menu from local territory and Tuscany on this level goes strong, very strong, even the simplest wine draws from this land the strength that makes it unique.
Il Braciere Malatesta is the Trattoria in Florence that respects all these canons.

Simple furniture and service does not neglect the quality that has always been our goal.

The meats (Chianina certified) from local farms, fresh vegetables, shepherd’s cheeses and wild herbs identify us, together with the harmony and passion that is the starting point of the preparations and the basis of all our dishes. Attention to detail and the ingredients that count: homemade bread, homemade desserts, strictly served with combinations that revisit tradition, and a punctual service, are our philosophy.

We love good food and we respect Tuscan flavors as our great-grandfather taught us.

Il Braciere Malatesta, Trattoria in Florence, expression of the great Tuscan gastronomic tradition, respects the cycles of the seasons; we always try to offer seasonality and variety while respecting the selection of nature so that each ingredient has its full value. The informal environment, although carefully curated and revisited by the trattoria, meets the taste of the common people, but also of those who are committed to seeking that traditional feeling of home away from theirs.

Braciere Malatesta, the Trattoria in Florence, focuses its attention on historical dishes and in addition to the Fiorentina Steak severely cooked by our experienced grill master, it offers a highly respected menu enriched with rotating dishes according to the seasons.

    • We start with appetizers such as bruschette, croutons and meatballs with homemade sauces and all our cutting boards that you can discover here.
    • Among the mains we recall the soup of the day according to the season, the handmade gnudi, a vegetarian lasagna to satisfy everyone, pappardelle and pici made by us.
    • Tasty meats from our old-style charcoal grill: Hamburger of Florentine and filet, the famous and succulent sausages of Casini, the rosticciana to which no Tuscan can give up, the Galletto to the brick that follows the cooking accompanied by its aromas.
    • Wood-fire cooked Pizzas, from classic ones to those dedicated to Florence such as the “Signoria” or Il Conte Mascetti, with tomato, truffle burrata and lard

Il Braciere Malatesta tells the story of a Florentine family that hands down the love for local cuisine in a trattoria, where for generations regional dishes are worked with original or reworked characteristics, but always with Tuscan raw materials. At the table you will be able to relive dishes that for us are also memories conveyed by aromas and flavors … a research of records when they advance in the reworking of ancient dishes that remain the starting point of our culture.

And if you want to find out “what is in the boiling pot” we are waiting for you.

The family-run Braciere Malatesta, Trattoria in Florence that is located in the heart of city, just a short walk from the Santa Maria Novella station, which can also be reached on foot, and in the summer will host you in its internal gardens.