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What Meat to Choose for a Barbecue?

Selecting the Perfect Meat for a Barbecue
A barbecue is the quintessential summer meal, a moment of conviviality to share with friends and family. But for a truly memorable barbecue, it’s essential to choose the right meat. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you select the best cuts for each type of meat:

  1. Beef:
    • Tenderloin and Sirloin: Prime and tender cuts, ideal for thick and juicy steaks.
    • Ribeye: A classic cut, perfect for American-style barbecues.
    • Rump, Loin, Round, and Eye of Round: Lean and flavorful cuts, also suitable for quicker grilling.
    • Hamburgers: Choose ground meat with a good fat content to prevent drying out during cooking.
    • Flank Steak (Arrachera): An alternative cut with intense flavor, best cooked whole and sliced at the table.
  2. Veal:
    • Fatty Cuts: Perfect for slow grilling, keeping the meat tender and juicy.
  3. Pork:
    • Chops, Loin, Neck: Lean and flavorful cuts, best cooked slowly on the outer part of the grill.
    • Leg Tip, Ribs: Fattier cuts, ideal for direct grilling.
    • Fresh Bacon, Skewers, Sausages: Perfect for quick and flavorful cooking.
  4. Chicken:
    • Thighs, Drumsticks, Wings: Fatty cuts that remain juicy when grilled.
    • Chicken Breast: If using this cut, marinate it to keep it tender.
  5. Lamb:
    • Thick Chops: Ideal for grilling, keeping the meat tender.
    • Skewers: Perfect for quick and flavorful cooking.
    • Shoulder, Leg: Cuts suitable for slow cooking over indirect heat.
    • Ribs: Best cooked whole and then divided into portions.

General Tips:

  • Choose fresh, high-quality meat from sustainably raised animals.
  • For ribeye, consider longer aging times, properly done in certified dry-aging refrigerators.
  • For lean cuts, use marinades or injections to keep the meat juicy during cooking.
  • Adjust the grill temperature based on the type and thickness of the meat.
  • Cook the meat over medium-high heat, turning it regularly for even cooking.
  • Let the meat rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving.

What to Put on the Grill First?

Start with meats that require longer cooking times, such as chicken and pork ribs.

At Braciere Malatesta, we follow this order for our barbecue:

  1. Start with the chicken and pork ribs (both have been marinated and pre-cooked sous vide at low temperature to keep the internal fibers soft and juicy).
  2. A few minutes later, add the beef ribeye, which we serve rare, allowing it to rest on the grill for a few minutes.
  3. Finally, add the sausages.

When to Salt Meat on the Grill?

There are different schools of thought; we salt two minutes after placing the meat on the grill.

How Much Charcoal for 2 People? 1 kg.

How Much Meat for a Barbecue?
For our (generous) barbecue, we consider for each person:

  • Ribeye with bone: 250 g – 300 g
  • Pork ribs: 100 g
  • Boneless chicken: 150 g
  • Sausage: 100 g

Given a minimum steak weight (ribeye part) of 500 g – 600 g, our barbecue is served for a minimum of two people. For 8 people, we would have 600 g of meat, including the weight of the bones from the pork ribs and ribeye.

What Meat is Used for Charcoal Grilling?

Pork ribs, chicken, steak, sausages (sometimes we add bacon and diaphragm depending on availability). We never include filet mignon in the mixed grill because the flavors of the other meats would overpower its delicate taste and its exceptional intrinsic qualities would not be appreciated. At Braciere Malatesta, filet mignon is therefore served individually with its own side dish.

How to Have an Affordable Barbecue? Tips and Tricks for Grilling on a Budget

Having a barbecue with friends or family can be fun and sociable, but it’s often thought to be expensive. In reality, with some planning and tricks, it’s possible to have a delicious barbecue without spending too much.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. Choose the Right Meat:
    • You don’t need to buy the most expensive cuts; grilling enhances flavor, so you can opt for less expensive cuts like chicken thighs, drumsticks, wings, chicken breasts, turkey legs, whole young chickens, beef steaks, pork chops, bacon, neck, and sausage.
    • Buy in Bulk: If you find good deals on family packs of meat, take advantage of them and freeze the excess for future barbecues.
    • Marinate the Meat: Marinating meat before grilling makes it tender and flavorful, helping to reduce the amount of seasoning needed.
  2. Prepare Side Dishes:
    • Vegetables: Grill seasonal vegetables like peppers, zucchini, eggplant, and onions for a healthy and flavorful side.
    • Salad: A fresh salad with greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, and feta is a perfect addition to the barbecue.
    • Use Stale Bread: Instead of discarding stale bread, slice it and grill it lightly for a simple and tasty side.
  3. Be Mindful of Cooking:
    • Don’t Overload the Grill: Cooking too much meat at once can lower the grill temperature, extending cooking times and risking burning the outside while leaving the inside raw.
    • Cook Meat Over Medium Heat: Cooking over medium heat ensures evenly cooked and juicy meat.
    • Don’t Flip the Meat Too Often: Let the meat sear well on one side before flipping to avoid sticking to the grill and losing juices.
  4. Save on Charcoal:
    • Buy Quality Charcoal: Quality charcoal lasts longer and produces less ash, saving you money in the long run.
    • Use a Chimney Starter: A chimney starter helps light the charcoal quickly and easily, avoiding fuel waste.
    • Adjust the Grills: Adjust the grills according to the amount of meat to cook to optimize charcoal usage.
  5. Utilize Leftovers:
    • If you have leftover cooked meat, use it to make sandwiches, salads, or wraps the next day.
    • Grilled vegetables can be used for frittatas, savory pies, or cold pasta dishes.

How to Marinate Meat for a Perfect Barbecue

Marinating the meat before grilling is a crucial step to achieve a juicy, tender, and flavorful result. Marination helps:

  • Tenderize the Meat Fibers: Making it more chewable and easy to digest.
  • Add Flavor: The marinade infuses the meat with aromas and spices, giving it a richer, more intense taste.
  • Keep the Meat Juicy: Ingredients like oil and acid in the marinade help retain juices during cooking.

Types of Marinades:

  • Oil-based Marinade: The simplest and quickest to prepare. Just combine extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice or vinegar, salt, and pepper. You can then add herbs, spices, and other ingredients as desired.
  • Yogurt-based Marinade: Yogurt is an excellent ingredient for marinating meat, as it makes it tender and juicy. You can use plain or Greek yogurt, adding herbs, spices, and lemon juice.
  • Beer-based Marinade: Beer is another popular ingredient for marinating meat. It gives the meat a slightly caramelized flavor and a characteristic aroma. You can use light, dark, or amber beers.
  • Wine-based Marinade: Wine is a great way to add flavor and complexity to the meat. You can use red, white, or rosé wines.

We never use marinades for our ribeye steaks and strip steaks, which should be savored without the addition of other ingredients beyond charcoal, salt, and oil. For chicken and pork ribs, we use a marinade of organic herbs (rosemary, sage, and, depending on the season, wild thyme), oil, garlic, salt, and lemon zest. They are then vacuum-sealed and cooked at low temperature before being grilled over charcoal.

What to Pair with a Meat Barbecue? Simple and Tasty Sides!

Roast Potatoes
Skin-on French Fries
Mixed Salad
Stewed Cabbage with Ginger and Raisins
Grilled Endive

Why Try These Sides with Grilled Meat:

  • Roast Potatoes:
    • Complete the Meal: Potatoes are a classic side for grilled meat and provide a good dose of carbohydrates to complete the meal.
    • Satiety: Potatoes are rich in fiber, helping you feel full and satisfied.
    • Versatility: Roast potatoes can be customized with a variety of herbs and spices to suit your taste.
  • Skin-on French Fries:
    • Indulgence: French fries are a more indulgent option, perfect for special occasions.
    • Crispiness: The skin provides a pleasant crispy texture that contrasts with the softness of the meat.
    • Ease of Preparation: Skin-on fries are easy to prepare and require only a few ingredients.
  • Mixed Salad:
    • Freshness: A mixed salad adds a fresh and light note to the meal, contrasting with the richness of the grilled meat.
    • Nutrition: Salad vegetables provide important vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
    • Versatility: You can customize the mixed salad using your favorite vegetables.
  • Stewed Cabbage with Ginger and Raisins:
    • Unique Flavor: Stewed cabbage with ginger and raisins offers a unique and interesting flavor that pairs well with grilled meat.
    • Health: Cabbage is a nutrient-rich vegetable that offers health benefits.
    • Light: Stewed cabbage is a light and flavorful side dish that doesn’t weigh down the meal.
  • Grilled Endive:
    • Smoky Flavor: Grilled endive develops a smoky flavor that pairs perfectly with grilled meat.
    • Texture: Grilled endive has a crunchy and slightly bitter texture that contrasts with the tenderness of the meat.
    • Ease of Preparation: Grilled endive is an easy and quick side to prepare.

The best side dish for your grilled meat depends on your personal preferences. All these sides are delicious and nutritious and will help complete your meal. Try them from our menu, and you won’t be disappointed!